Chrome Pointer

Friday, September 19, 2014

Safety First

Safety is the most important thing on skateboard. Especially when you're still a beginner. Now, I want to tell you, things that you will need to provide when you want to play safe on skateboard.

Items that you have to have:


Helmet is very important for your head. If you had a big bump to your head, your head will be safe with helmet.

Knee pads

Knee pads is important thing to protect your knees. So if you fall, your knees will be protect by this Knee Pads.

Elbow Pads

Elbow Pads works almost the same with knee pads, but it just work for elbows.

That's all of the things that you will have to play safe. But, if you want to play more secure, you can play with Jeans and long sleeve shirts or jacket so when you fall, it doesn't hit your skin right away.

So, that's all for today and i hope you play safe on skateboard and don't forget to comment and follow me on Google Plus. Godbyee....

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I Want This One!!!

Guys, you know what? I want a skateboard that is made by Braille Skateboard. Here is the Picture

Look at that! Is it cool? For me, it is very cool.The best Revive deck EVER MADE! They even right their names on the background. I don't know how am i gonna buy this deck because i don't have enough money for it. :( 

There is the video, So cool I want the board so bad...

# Shoes For Skating #

When you're still playing skateboard, you also need good shoes. Why? Because when you're using school or other shoes, it can make your shoes got hole. Well, even on skate shoes you will make some hole too because when you do tricks. The part of the shoes that you slide the most will got bigger and more holes. The griptape works to make your shoes don't move, and you slide it with your shoes, it is gonna make holes like this

To prevent that happen, I will suggest you the best shoes for you to play on skateboard...

Vans: Crockett Pro (Black)

DC: Tonik S (Dark grey)

Emerica: Altamont Reynolds Low Vulc (Dark Grey)

Converse: Krooked Star Player Skate Ox (White)

Supra: Greco Hammer Shoes Cathay Spice

Volcom: Toy Machine Slip Shoes (Green)

That's all of the shoes that i recommend you to use. Now you can skate safely with skate shoes and continue practice your tricks and style. BYE!! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Skateboard Recommended Wheels

wheels are the most important thing on skateboard. of course! Without wheels you can't even ride your board. You ain't riding skateboard without wheels right? So here is some wheels that i can recommend you to use:

Spitfire: Formula Four Classic (Blue)

Spitfire: Soccerballers Mash Up 

Element: Melted Blue Park

gold wheels: Johnson america goon

Enjoi: Rasta Panda Wheels

Ok! Now you know all of the wheels that i like. Now, you also can comment down below to recommend wheels and other things. So, thank you guys and see ya tomorrow peace out.

Skateboard Recommended decks

There are many brands on skateboard. I know many cool decks that you want to have. Now, i'm gonna tell and recommend you which skate deck that you may buy. Here is some decks that i like:

Alien Workshop: Dyrdek soldier (Red)

Black Label: Barcode

Darkstar: Entrance Crystal (Red)

Plan B: Pudwill Jagged

Ok, That's all for today and if you have a favourite deck go ahead and comment below so,  Goodbye...

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Setting Up Skateboards

I have just done setting up my Darkstar skateboard. I've changed the wheels. My old wheels on that skateboard are getting dirty and old. So i have to change it before it's getting more dirty. Now i want to show you how to change your wheels on your skateboard.

Tools you will need: 
Skateboard Tool, 4 sets of wheels & 8 bearings.

1.  So now, just
place the new or cleaned bearing into the wheel . Most skateboard bearings have one side with a colored shield. I recommend placing this side facing out. However, you don't need to do it this way.
Either way, the bearing won't fit all the way into the wheel - the fit will be too tight. So first, simply set the bearing into the wheel. 
Next, press the bearing down into the hole, applying pressure on the outside metal rim of the bearing. DO NOT press on the shield, or the center of the bearing. You should be able to press the bearing down to where it is flat with the edge of the wheel. 
Repeat this process with all 8 bearings, putting one on each side of each wheel. I recommend having the shielded side of the bearing facing out on each. If you are using Spacers, make sure to put one in each wheel, between the bearings.

2. Just like the optional spacers, some skateboarders like to use bearing washers to help reduce friction and let your wheels spin faster. If you don't use washers, then skip ahead to step 3.
The washers are very small metal rings that fit on either side of your bearings. Put one on your axle trucks before you put the wheel on, and then one on after the wheel has been slid into place.

3. With all the bearings set into the wheels, put your wheels on your trucks. It doesn't matter if you have the graphic side of your wheels facing out or not - that's up to you.
Next, fit a nylon inserted ½" lock nut on the end of your trucks. These nuts usually come with your trucks, but if not, head to a hardware store and get a set of 4. Each wheel should be set up as seen in the photo. Don't worry about tightening each nut right yet.

4. Using your skate tool or a socket wrench, tighten each nut down
slowly . This will push the bearings down into the wheels. Make sure you take your time and don't crank too hard or fast on the nuts, or you can damage your bearings. Tighten each nut down until it feels snug, and then STOP. Don't crank on the nuts too hard - you want the nuts to fit on snuggly, and to be done turning. That's it.

5. Now here's the secret. Once the nut has been tightened up, and the bearings are all sunk into place, you want to loosen the nut a little. Loosen it, and then jiggle the wheel a little, back and forth on the trucks. You want a small amount of play, just enough so you can feel it. When you pull the wheel from side to side, you want it to make a little
clack sound, just a little. This will help your wheels to spin faster and more freely.
And with that, you are done! You have successfully replaced and installed new skateboard bearings! Now go skate!

                                          (Sorry, no pic)

Friday, September 12, 2014

My Favourite Skaters

I have 2 favourite skaters. I know them from "Youtube". They have a great experience of skating.


                                                                    Andy schrock


Go visit his Youtube Channel!!!!

Aaron Kyro

Basic Tricks

Many of you have been interested for tricks. There is actually many tricks on skateboarding. But there is also a trick that you have to know when you want to be a skaters like...  :


Ollie is a very important trick to learn. Ollie is definitely one of the basic skateboard tricks, but as I said before, it could be a trick TOUGH for some skaters to learn. Other skaters may pick it up quickly, in just a few hours. Others (like me) might take a year! Do not stress it - skateboarding is all about you, the board and the sidewalk. Skateboarding is very personal. You should be OK with it, or you will get frustrated, and then tempted to give up!

      * 50-50 Grind*   
The 50-50 grind is the first grind trick that most skaters learn, and is a great basic skateboard trick to learn.The 50-50 grind is where the skater grinds the ledge or rail with both trucks. The nice thing about the 50-50 is that you can learn to do it on a curb, which is a pretty safe and easy place to practice.


Boardslides are the first sliding skateboard trick most skaters learn - it's perfect for this list of basic skateboard tricks.
A boardslide is where you skate along next to something like a rail or curb, and then ollie up onto it. Your board lands sideways, with the object in the middle of the board, and you slide along down the rail or curb. At the end, you jump off the obstacle and ride away.

 The manual is a great basic skateboard trick to learn - mainly because it's a trick that you can ALWAYS improve on!A manual is something like a "wheelie" on a bike. The skater balances on his or her back wheels, and continues rolling. A nose manual is similar, just off the skateboard's nose. The trick to manualing is balance, confidence, and just doing it. But be careful - it's very easy to lean too far back and launch your board out in front of you! In fact, you'll probably do it a time or two, so wear a helmet.

Ok so, that's all basic tricks that you might have to know to play skateboard. I hope, soon i will try to post how to do these tricks so, just comment and see you!

[ Contact Me For More ]

Instead of commenting, you also can contact with me on:

- E-mail: /

- Instagram: @Taffarel2ndacc

- Twitter: @taffarelihsan

If you need more, just comment what else do you want to know about me, and if you want to request what should i post next time, you can also recommend it on the comment too! And the most subject that you request, that will be the next topic.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

First Known Skate

Skateboarding was found and played by people around 1940s - 1950s when surfers in California wants to surf on flat waves. They were thinking about that for years and years until they found out boards and wheels. No one knows who made the first board but it seems that several people came up with similar ideas at around the same time. From that day, people try to make one of these things by chopping down some woods and make it to something square and put some wheels on it and try to ride around without falling down to the ground. From that day, people try to modified the boards so it is more easier to ride by putting on some griptape (to make your shoes sticks to the board) and make the board bigger.

This is the new edition of the board. As you can see, there is many things that makes the board look different now a days.


Hey waddup guys!

My name is Taffarel. Welcome to my Skate blog where you can find many things about skating...